ABTOT Members Directory

  • Check a company’s Membership

    If you wish to check that a travel organiser is a Member of ABTOT, please check here.

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    Grand Tours Limited t/as Grand Prix Grand Tours


    When you book with an ABTOT Member you are booking with a specialist holiday provider, approved for Membership by a government approved Association. You can book in confidence and with peace of mind that your pre-payments are protected in the event of their insolvency and that repatriation costs are covered.

    Look for the ABTOT logo and financial protection wording (as per example below) on their website, booking conditions and invoice:

    The Association of Bonded Travel Organisers Trust Limited (ABTOT) provides financial protection under The Package Travel and Linked Travel Arrangements Regulations 2018 for [ABTOT member=””][/ABTOT] and in the event of their insolvency, protection is provided for:

    • Non-flight packages

    ABTOT cover provides for a refund in the event you have not yet travelled or repatriation if transportation was included in your package. Please note that bookings made outside the UK are only protected by ABTOT when purchased directly with [ABTOT member=””][/ABTOT].

  • If you are searching for a Bonded Coach Holiday Member, we have a second directory for these specialist coach package operators

    Find a Bonded Coach Holidays protected Member